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Instance status#

Incoming webhook of this type contains the instance authorization status data


Webhook parameters#

Parameter Type Description
typeWebhook string Incoming webhook type. For webhooks of this type the parameter takes on the value stateInstanceChanged
instanceData object Instance data
timestamp integer Event timestamp in UNIX format
stateInstance string Instance state. Have variants:
notAuthorized - Instance not authorized. For instance authorization refer to Before you start section
authorized - Instance authorized
blocked - Instance banned
sleepMode - Status is out of date. Instance is in sleep mode. The state is possible when the phone is switched off. After the phone is switched on, it may take up to 5 minutes for the instance state to be changed to authorized.
starting - The instance is in the process of starting up (service mode). An instance, server, or instance in maintenance mode is rebooting. It may take up to 5 minutes for the instance state to be set to authorized.
yellowCard - Sending messages has been partially or completely suspended on the account due to spamming activity. Messages sent after receiving the status are stored in the queue to be sent for 24 hours. To continue running the instance, you need to do a reboot of the instance

instanceData object parameters

Parameter Type Description
idInstance integer Instance Id. The size of the integer is int64. Values ​​range include from 1 to 10 digits
wid string Account Id in WhatsApp format
typeInstance string Instance messenger type

Webhook body example#

    "instanceData": {
        "idInstance": 1,
        "wid": "",
    "timestamp": 1586700690,
    "stateInstance": "notAuthorized"