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All news
12/11/2024 WhatsApp global downtime
12/06/2024 Maintenance
12/04/2024 New Release
11/29/2024 Technical issues resolved
11/27/2024 Issue is fixed
11/26/2024 Maintenance
11/19/2024 New release
11/08/2024 Issue is fixed
11/01/2024 Issue is fixed
10/30/2024 Maintenance today
10/29/2024 Maintenance
10/24/2024 Issue is fixed
10/22/2024 Technical issues
10/21/2024 Technical issues
10/17/2024 Technical issues
10/10/2024 Fixed issue with methods SetGroupPicture and SetProfilePicture
09/24/2024 Technical issues
09/20/2024 SetGroupPicture and SetProfilePicture methods are not working
09/13/2024 Fixed issues with unstable service operation
09/10/2024 GREEN-API at Kazakhstan Tech Solution Day 2024: The Future of Digitalization
09/10/2024 Issue is fixed
09/04/2024 Technical issues
09/03/2024 Facing issues of WhatsApp
09/03/2024 Technical issues
08/28/2024 Maintenance
08/23/2024 Technical issues
08/19/2024 How to run WhatsAPP webhook server GREEN API in C++
08/13/2024 New release
08/01/2024 Maintenance
07/23/2024 Maintenance
07/11/2024 Technical issues
07/10/2024 Fixed issue with the method GetAvatar
07/04/2024 WhatsApp is stable again in Russia
07/03/2024 Facing issues with WhatsApp in Russia
07/03/2024 The method GetAvatar does not work
07/02/2024 Important: Firewall rules update required
06/28/2024 WhatsApp global downtime
06/26/2024 We have developed the GREEN-API mobile application for Android
06/19/2024 New Release
06/17/2024 Technical issues
05/30/2024 Issue is fixed
05/29/2024 Maintenance
05/21/2024 Issue is fixed
05/20/2024 Restrictions on the Developer plan
05/15/2024 New Release
05/14/2024 Free proxy for WhatsApp from GREEN API
05/07/2024 Maintenance
05/02/2024 Maintenance
04/26/2024 Maintenance
04/19/2024 How to get agreement to the broadcasting in WhatsApp
04/12/2024 How to use WhatsApp demo python chatbot from GreenAPI
03/21/2024 How to text in WhatsApp first
02/28/2024 Issue with the sendPoll method on Android
02/20/2024 New Release
02/20/2024 Disabling the complaint statistics function
02/19/2024 Technical issues
02/16/2024 Technical issues
02/16/2024 Technical issues
02/15/2024 Technical issues
02/05/2024 How to launch a WhatsApp Python chatbot library and develop your own bot
01/31/2024 Technical issues
01/23/2024 Release is planned
01/18/2024 Maintenance
01/15/2024 How to install WhatsApp python chatbot library and setup environment
12/31/2023 Technical issues
12/31/2023 HAPPY GREEN YEAR 2024
12/23/2023 Technical issues
12/13/2023 New Year's gift: +3 months
12/11/2023 Limitation on the Developer plan has been removed
11/30/2023 Maintenance on 1101 servers
11/28/2023 New Release
10/31/2023 New Release
10/25/2023 Release is planned
10/18/2023 Technical issues
10/10/2023 Add Java Client to SDK
10/04/2023 Technical issues
09/27/2023 Maintenance on 7103 servers
09/27/2023 New Release
09/25/2023 Integratiom with Slack
09/19/2023 Additional account in single WhatsApp application
08/29/2023 New Release
08/25/2023 Maintenance on 7103 servers
08/07/2023 Released a new version of User console
07/30/2023 Maintenance on 1101 servers has been successfully completed.
07/30/2023 Maintenance on 1101 servers
07/27/2023 WhatsApp ban politics are becoming more severe
07/26/2023 Integration with Zapier
07/19/2023 WhatsApp global downtime
07/18/2023 Debugging API methods in the User Console
07/17/2023 Disable sending buttons
06/27/2023 The SendFileByUpload method is changing
06/22/2023 Chatbots
06/09/2023 Receiving incoming WhatsApp messages through ngrok app
06/08/2023 Company in Kazakhstan
06/07/2023 Issue is fixed
06/07/2023 Facing issues
05/26/2023 New limits for GREEN-API Ratelimiter
05/11/2023 Sending buttons is not working any more
05/2/2023 How to receive messages on your server
04/29/2023 Fixed availability issues
04/29/2023 Facing problems
04/27/2023 Downtime
04/25/2023 New Release
04/13/2023 Maintenance
04/11/2023 Maintenance
04/06/2023 How to receive messages through Rest API
03/29/2023 How to receive WhatsApp messages
03/24/2023 How to send messages using Postman collection
03/23/2023 We solved the problem with message delays
03/23/2023 How to install Postman collection and set up environment variables
03/19/2023 We've prepared support for a new version of WhatsApp Business on IPhone
03/18/2023 Delays when sending files
03/17/2023 sendContact method causes WhatsApp Business to crash on iPhone
03/16/2023 A free developer instance
03/15/2023 Maintenance
03/13/2023 Maintenance
03/04/2023 Our service is working steadily. No bans detected.
03/03/2023 Instance stops working on sending messages
03/03/2023 Increased level of bans from WhatsApp
02/21/2023 Technical issues
02/17/2023 We made support for incoming notifications with files
02/14/2023 Occurring failures in delivering files
02/08/2023 WhatsApp global downtime
02/06/2023 WhatsApp global downtime
01/30/2023 Changes in displaying links
01/17/2023 Issue is fixed
01/17/2023 Technical issues
12/30/2022 HAPPY GREEN YEAR 2023
12/19/2022 A new 5.44.20 release is here soon
12/15/2023 Technical issues
12/14/2022 A gift of +3 months to the subscription if you pay for a whole year
11/14/2022 Issue is fixed
11/14/2022 Technical issues
11/01/2022 We developed a library on Python for a more convenient way to integrate with a GREEN-API gateway.
10/25/2022 WhatsApp is up again
10/25/2022 WhatsApp isn't working worldwide
10/19/2022 We published a new Release
09/27/2022 Fixed an error when creating new instances
09/27/2022 New instances aren't creating
09/20/2022 We published a new Release
09/19/2022 Technical issues
09/18/2022 Issue is fixed
09/17/2022 Technical issues
09/17/2022 Technical issues
09/13/2022 We published a new Release
09/05/2022 Issue is fixed
09/05/2022 Technical issues
08/30/2022 Technical issues
08/25/2022 Technical issues
08/23/2022 We published a new Release
08/22/2022 Maintenance on 1101ХХХХХХ servers is done
08/22/2022 Maintenance
08/10/2022 Issue is fixed
08/09/2022 We pusblished a new Release
07/29/2022 Issue is fixed
07/29/2022 Technical issues
07/27/2022 We need your vote!
07/22/2022 Technical issues
07/16/2022 Issue is fixed
07/16/2022 Technical issues
07/13/2022 Maintenance
06/24/2022 Issue is fixed
06/24/2022 Technical issues
06/24/2022 Technical work is in progress
06/21/2022 Maintenance
06/20/2022 Maintenance
06/15/2022 Maintenance
06/14/2022 Maintenance
06/13/2022 Maintenance
06/10/2022 Maintenance
06/09/2022 Maintenance
06/08/2022 Maintenance
06/08/2022 Increasing server resources
06/04/2022 The service is fully restored!
06/02/2022 For those, who work on the old console
11/05/2021 There has been another WhatsApp update
11/04/2021 Maintenance
11/02/2021 Maintenance
05/21/2021 We took part in the opening of Formula IT 2.0
04/11/2021 GREEN-API is 1 year old!
08/22/2022 Maintenance on 1101ХХХХХХ servers is done